Corrosion Zones

A guide to New Zealand Corrosion Zones

This guide assists you to select the appropriate powdercoating for the design location.

There are few places in New Zealand that are not affected by sea laden winds that traverse our narrow landmass. All aspects of building design are thus influenced, and good building design necessitates choosing appropriate products.

Corrosion Zone Zone Description Powder Type - minimum Powder Type - Recommended

Sea Spray Extreme 


<10 metres from the shore line Super Durable Fluoropolymer Coating Super Durable Fluoropolymer Coating
Sea Spray   

<100 metres from the shore line


High Durability Powdercoating High Durability Powdercoating
Zone 1  

Coastal area that are not deemed "sea spray" but are still a marine environment


Extra Durable Powdercoating High Durability Powdercoating

Zone 1


Coastal areas that are not spray zone and benign Extra Durable Powdercoating  Extra Durable Powdercoating

Zone 2


Inland coastal areas that would normally lie between Costal and Hill country Extra Durable Powdercoating Extra Durable Powdercoating


Zone 3


Inland New Zealand, typically Hill country where rainfall is plentiful Extra Durable Powdercoating Extra Durable Powdercoating

Zone 4


Geothermal areas. Other areas to be included in this zone would be swimming pools, polluted and high corrosion risk areas. High Durability Powdercoating Super Durable Fluoropolymer Coating


Extra Durable Powdercoating High Durability Powdercoating Super Durable Fluoropolymer Coating

(Extra Durable)

Conforms to AAMA2603


(High Duty)

Conforms to AAMA2604

(Super Duty)

Conforms to AAMA 2605