
Increased thickness of anodic films is recognised as being a significant indicator of durability.  Film thickness must consider not only appearance, but also environmental and maintenance requirements.  Locality or zone profiles must be referenced for selection of anodic film thickness for areas affected by proximity to coastal exposure for example.  The use of incorrect or least expensive options may result in that is a few years the finish is pitted, stained, and eroded.  Another important component of film life is its density.  The denser the film, the longer it will last.


Durability and longer life can be realised due to the advantages gained from thicker and denser anodic films.  However regular cleaning is required, the frequency depending on accessibility and the severity of the environment.  In a rural atmosphere for example where grime deposition and pollution of the atmosphere are at a minimum, cleaning may be needed not more frequently than every six months in order to remove deposits and restore the appearance.  Clean water with perhaps a mild detergent is the normal cleaning method.

However it may also be necessary to apply a moderate household abrasive cleaning technique to remove accumulated dirt and stains that after many years look similar to chalking paint on an anodised surface.  This action may typically remove a small amount of the anodic layer, which leaves behind a renewed anodised finish, preserving the original appearance.  The use of harsh abrasives is not recommended, as this will damage the film beyond repair.

Frequency of Cleaning

The frequency with which cleaning should be carried out will range from monthly to six monthly intervals according to application and environment that the surface is exposed to.  The aim of the cleaning operation should be the removal of grime deposited without damage to anodised coating.

Care & Maintenance